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Our school

This information has been written to give parents who are enrolling their child in Mill of Mains Primary, or who are considering doing so, some information about the school.

 Mill of Mains Primary School opened in October, 1972.  The school comprises three buildings.  The West building consists of four classrooms, usually Primaries 1 and 2, our Nursery classroom and the Out of School Club.

The central building contains the Administration Offices with Staff Room, Gym Hall, General Purpose Room, Dining Area and Medical Services and the Main Entrance.

Primaries 3 – 7 are taught in the East building which contains seven classes, our Support for Learning base and our computer suite.

The school caters for boys and girls from the age of 3 to 12 years.  The present roll of the school is approximately 280 and we also have a nursery class that caters for 20 children in the morning and 20 in the afternoon.

We strive to create a secure and happy atmosphere within which the needs and interests of every pupil can be addressed.

Parents and carers are welcome visitors in our school.  Good teacher/parent co-operation and communication are encouraged.  All visitors must first report to the school office, in the Administration building.

The information given in this booklet offers only a glimpse of school life in Mill of Mains Primary School.  Should you require further details, please do not hesitate to contact me in school, I shall be pleased to arrange an appointment.


Mrs V L Snee.

« July 2024 »