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Nursery School

Starting Nursery

We aim for your child to feel happy and comfortable in the nursery. It is expected that you will stay until your child is fully settled. Staff will work out the amount of time you need to stay based on each child’s needs.

Our Nursery class Aims

  • To provide a variety of quality experiences for your child to develop and grow in their understanding of their world.
  • To foster an enthusiasm and appetite for learning.
  • To promote independence by offering children the freedom and flexibility to take responsibility and make choices.
  • To enable your child to acquire and build on their interests, knowledge, skills and attitudes in a safe and stimulating learning environment.
  • To value parental involvement in his/her child’s learning.
  • To provide a caring environment where your child can feel happy and secure.
  • To listen to children and their families and value their contributions within the nursery setting.


Core hours for 3-5s

8:30am -2:30pm or 9am -3pm

Additional hours can be purchased out-with these times for 3-5s only.

Core hours for 2s

9am -3pm

Parents are asked to collect their child promptly or to contact the school (phone 01382 438571) in the event of any delay.

Children must be brought to and collected from the nursery by an adult. Staff cannot allow a pupil to be collected by anyone under 16 years of age. If there is any change in who is to collect your child, we would appreciate being notified. Regular attendance is expected and in the event of any absence the school should be notified. After 2 days unexplained absence, staff will try to make contact by telephone to ascertain the reason for the absence. If unable to establish contact, we would initially try contacting the emergency contact person and then proceed to report the child’s unexplained absence to the Local Authority.

For security purposes all outer doors of the school are locked. We therefore ask that parents wait at the Nursery Entrance (the west facing door of the west building) until a member of staff opens the door. There is a shelter area for bad weather. Children will be released from class on the arrival of the designated adult.

Bringing dogs into the school grounds is against council policy and we ask that you adhere to this.


The children are provided with a snack daily. For snack we try to provide a wide variety of healthy foods - fruit, yoghurt, cheese, crackers, milk etc.  If any child has an allergy to any food ‑ please notify a member of staff.

Fees are £2 per week; you can pay weekly or by term. This should be paid on Parent Pay – a login will be provided by the school office.

Daily Activities

In our class children are given opportunities to become involved in a variety of activities. Through these play situations the children are learning in a variety of ways and hopefully we are fostering an enthusiasm and enjoyment of learning.

As they play children are learning about number, shape, pattern, about language and communication; how to share and relate to each other; about living things and their own environment. They are encouraged to be as independent as possible and to make choices and decisions about their daily programme. We recommend that children arrive at nursery with shoes that are easy to put on and take off by themselves e.g. Velcro or slip on. Opportunities are made for them to play with others in a group situation or to play alone. At other times we all come together to join in a group activity.

Snack is available daily, and the children are involved in a self-service style operation. There is generally a choice of foods and we encourage the children to spread, cut and pour for themselves – all valuable learning experiences.

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« July 2024 »